Automotive Spice Training
Automotive Spice Training
Automotive Spice Training
Automotive Spice Training
Automotive Spice Training
The primary task of the IQI training department is to convey the output of the Working Groups to employees of the automotive industry via sector-specific QM training programs.
The main advantage of training lies in our ability to create the content of the training seminars and have them conducted, often by the same IQI experts, “under one roof”.
The training spectrum ranges from QM seminars for management, through courses in quality methods and tools for process improvement, to qualification and continuing professional development of internal, lead and certification auditors. All seminars are led by experienced trainers from the automotive industry, in accordance with our motto: putting practice into practice.
Intacs (International assessor certification scheme) has defined to qualification training for provisional and competent assessor. IQI has also developed training to enhance understanding on automotive spice process. IQI has experienced trainer to impart practical knowledge on processes and methodology to support process improvement based on automotive spice .
IQI provides following trainings:
Introduction tool automotive spice.
Intacs certified provisional assesser training.
Intacs certified competent assessor training.
Please refer to ‘training calendar’ for more information on Automotive SPICE training.